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Perfect Tooltip demo



Tooltip TL
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Tooltip L
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Tooltip LB
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Tooltip B
Tooltip BR


    var html1 = '<h2>Tooltip title</h2><p>Tooltip description</p>',
        html2 = '<h2>Tooltip title</h2><p>A very loong tooltip description text<br> with multiple lines<br>and some links: <a href="#">Link</a></p>';

    $('#button1').tooltip();                                                                        // convert "title" attribute to a tooltip
    $('#button2').tooltip('Button 2 tooltip text');                                                 // show custom text
    $('#button3').tooltip(html1);                                                                   // show html
    $('#button4').tooltip({ position: 'tr', animate: 0 });                                          // position top-right, no animation
    $('#button5').tooltip({ position: 'bl', cls: 'custom-tooltip' });                               // position bottom-left, custom css class
    $('#button6').tooltip({ position: 'r', animate: 1000, text: html1, cls: 'big-tooltip' });       // position right, html content, long animation
    $('#button7').tooltip({ position: 't', trigger: 'click' });                                     // position top, show on click
    $('#button8').tooltip({ position: 't', dontHideOnTooltipHover: true });
    $('#button9').tooltip({ position: 'r', dontHideOnTooltipHover: true, text: html2, cls: 'big-tooltip', showDelay: 1000 });// position left, show with 1000ms delay
    $('#button10').tooltip({ position: 't', dontHideOnTooltipHover: true, text: html2, cls: 'big-tooltip' });
    $('#button11').tooltip({ position: 'lt', dontHideOnTooltipHover: true, text: html2, cls: 'big-tooltip' });
    $('#button12').tooltip({ position: 'lb', dontHideOnTooltipHover: true, text: html2, cls: 'big-tooltip', forcePosition: true });

    $('body').tooltip({ selector: '.lazy' });

    $('body').on('click', '.btn.lazy', function() { $(this).clone().insertAfter(this); });          // clone button on click


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$ git clone git://